“Grumpy Monkey” by Suzanne Lang

Potential Experience Themes: emotional literacy, self regulation & coping strategies, self awareness & self worth(its ok to have feelings), friendship, comprehension, animal movements(gross motor & connection to natural world)

Health/Safety & Community: empathy and patience for others, nonverbal cues, healthy forms of emotional expression, and following directions.

Before Reading Aloud: the illustrations in this book enhance the feelings of the characters in the story. Be sure to practice reading this book ahead of time, paying specific attention to which character emotions and coping strategies you plan to point out to the children. This will help the children to connect with the story (moving like the characters as the book progresses.)

Sample Read Aloud:

Sample Song Pairings:

“I Think I’m Going to Like Today” by Mr Rogers

“Take a Look at My Face” by The Laurie Berkner Band

“Its Such a Good Feeling” by Mr Rogers

“Goodmorning” by Sweet Tunes

“If You’re Happy and You Know it Make a Face” -coming soon!

“It’s the Style to Wear a Smile” by Mr Rogers

“The Story of My Feelings” by The Laurie Berkner Band

“Five Little Monkeys Swinging on the Vine” -coming soon!

“The Feelings Song” by Miss Molly

“Sometimes People are Good” by Mr Rogers

Silly Animal Songs:

“Come Down Here Monkey” by Caspar Babypants

“Animals Talk” by Caspar Babypants

Multi-Sensory Activity Examples:


“Sing and Dance in Your Polka Dot Pants”


“I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More!” Experience