“I Ain’t Gonna Paint No More!” By Karen Beaumont

Potential “Experience” Themes:
phonological awareness (rhyming), predictive storytelling, comprehension/reinforcement of meaning, relationships with familiar adults and materials (connection to literacy), and spatial reasoning. .

Visual/Art: contrasting art styles (color focus vs lined), dramatic play, and color identification

Health and safety: orientation of familiar environments, following directions, hygiene, and body part identification.

Before Reading Aloud: This book has many details in the illustrations that enhance the larger story. The rhyming flow of the words also make it easy to read in a sing song voice at a steady pace.. Be sure to practice reading the words slowly while navigating the expressive pictures and plan ahead for the story elements you plan to acknowledge for the children. Remember to keep it simple and intentionally focused on the themes you wish to focus on. This is a book the children will want to read over and over again, so “save some for later” and create a new experience every time you read by focusing on different themes!

Sample Read Aloud:

Song Pairing Examples:

“Head Shoulders Knees and Toes” by Super Simple Songs

Magic Brush Touch: “Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes” coming soon!

“We Call it Art Song” by Sesame Studios

“Oh My Goodness Look at This Mess!” by Sweet Honey on the Rock

“Germy Song” by Sweet Tunes

“Primary Colors Song” by Sesame Studios (this song is SUPER funny with the video! Reenact with color puppets if you can)

“Crazy Color Creatures” educational resource provided by Caroline Koehler: more info here

“This is The Way” by Super Simple Songs

Magic Brush Touch: “this is the way” coming soon!

Songs for Listening & Following Directions:

“Listen and Move” by Greg & Steve

“Shake Break” by Jack Hartmann

“Space Bubble Boogie” by Sweet Tunes

“Shake our Sillies Out” by The Learning Station

“Have Fun and Freeze” by Jack Hartmann

Multi-Sensory Activity Examples:


“Grumpy Monkey” Experience


“I Like Myself!” Experience