“Itsy Bitsy Spider” Experience

“Itsy Bitsy Spider” by Child’s Play

Potential “Experience” Themes: weather, cause and effect, spiders and bugs, rhyming, colors, shapes, and describing words.

Before Reading Aloud: This story has many additional versions of the Itsy Bitsy Spider ryhme. Each spider has a new scenario and does different actions with their environment. I wonder what your favorite spider will be?

Sample Read Aloud:

Song Pairing Examples:

This is a singing book! Try singing the story instead of reading it 🥰

“Hooray for the Itsy Bitsy Spider” by Sweet tunes

“There’s a Spider on the Floor” by The Kiboomers

“Spider Prance” by Skoolbo Music

Songs About Weather:

“How’s the Weather?” by Super Simple Songs

“The Weather Song” by Mooseclumps

“Sun, Rain, Wind, and Snow” by the Singing Walrus

Multi Sensory Activity Examples


“Five Little Monkeys” Experience